Sunday, August 23, 2015

Vegas - Week 4 Training - Water in the Desert

This week's training included:

Monday - Mile time trial (+ 1 mile warmup and another to cool down)
Tuesday - rest
Wednesday - 5 miles hills
Thursday - 4 miles easy
Friday - rest
Saturday - 10 miles LSD
Sunday - 4 miles easy

Total: 26 miles

The big victory of the week was the mile time trial.  Slower than I'd hoped (though to be expected after months of NO fast running), but at least I ran without pain.  Yay.  :)

After successfully covering 13.1 last weekend, a fast mile without pain was my green light to sign up for Vegas.  

Both with running and beyond, God has been on a big water kick lately.  There's no need to belabor the importance of hydration in the heat of summer, but this goes beyond that.  Last week at church, a woman talked about the water flowing from Jesus' side being a River of Life (with allusions to the river in the Garden and the river described as flowing from His throne in Revelation), and Pastor Alan preached on this verse:

Then someone I had never met shared this verse with me:

As I've been planning the Vegas trip, I've found myself drawn to the Bellagio--home of the magnificent fountains and O, Cirque's water show.  (While reading about the music, lights, and color in motion in God's throne room, it occurred to me that the description sounded a lot like Cirque Du Soleil!) 

As the puzzle pieces came together, something clicked: God is calling me to seek Him and His living water in the desert.  (Sin City, no less!) 

Such an awesome invitation, but I was still struggling with the committing the finances to book the hotel room.  The Bellagio isn't cheap...and the rates are even higher during race weekend.  I wondered if it was the right call or if I was being indulgent and irresponsible, knowing that I could do the trip for less if I stayed somewhere else. 

God answered the question loud and clear on Wednesday.  I woke up to an email from the Bellagio in my inbox and then listened to a podcast on "The Cost of Worship" on my run.  It referenced the woman with the alabaster jar filled with expensive perfume (worth a year's wages), with which she anointed Jesus.  Everyone stood around and judged her, saying in effect, "That's not good stewardship!"  Jesus defended her and told them to back off.  And God whispered to me in that moment: Sacrifice before stewardship.  That is worship. 

So that night, I booked a room at the with a fountain view.  :)

The water theme continued on my last run of the week.  Toward the end of the run, I came upon some deep puddles, the kind I would normally go around.  God highlighted this as a micro-fear--fear of wet feet and getting dirty from the splash.  Dry feet are important for distance running because wet feet are more prone to blister, but this was the last quarter mile of my run, so there was no cause for concern.  I felt challenged to go through the puddles instead of around, so I did.  The cool water felt refreshing as it filled my shoes and cleaned them at the same time, illustrating the benefits of facing head-on that which is usually avoided.  Something tells me this is only the first in a series of victories as God continues to liberate me from fear on every level!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Vegas - Week 3 Training - Today, Someday, & Montage Moments

This week, I rearranged a few days, freeing up Sunday as a day of complete rest from work and running (i.e., a precious PJ day and a welcome break from rushing out the door to beat the Texas heat).  The schedule ended up looking like this:

Monday - 5 miles easy
Tuesday - rest
Wednesday - 5 miles hills
Thursday- 5 miles easy
Friday - 3 miles easy
Saturday - 12 miles LSD (13.1 with walk breaks every mile)
Sunday - rest

Total: 30 miles

This week included running with God in its truest form--praying on the run, with or without music. I actually felt energized after my hill workout, which I did considerably faster than last week, despite more climbing. Clearly, a miracle. 

As I talked to God on my next easy run, I came to see the parallels between running, my personal life and professional life, and my spiritual life. In each case, I have something I am focused on right now, as well as a vision for the future. The things I'm doing today are preparing me for what will be 5-10 years from now and beyond. Yet, the things I am doing now have inherent value, regardless of what the future holds. 

Perhaps the most concrete example is with running. I'm training for the marathon in Las Vegas in November...which I would enjoy even if I never made it to Boston. But I sense my training for Vegas also serves to further prepare me for Boston someday. 

Likewise, I hope to someday finish writing the books and launch the businesses currently in my head, but the business I have today is important and meaningful. I hope to marry someday, yet my current relationship has value either way.  

Most importantly, I embrace Kingdom living now and delight in my relationship with God, such that even if this whole afterlife thing turned out to be a hoax or some kind of big misunderstanding, my spiritual investment in this life would not at all be wasted. 

It's exciting to dream and think about the future. Yet I'm glad to know that each day can be celebrated as meaningful in itself, while also paving the way to my ultimate destiny. 

On the long run, God shared His perspective. I was listening to a CD of spoken blessing, and one of the instrumental tracks came on--one of those scores that carries the feeling of something epic. As the music was building, I was running strong and free, feeling fully alive, gliding down a hill with ease, the sun rising over my shoulder. It was like something out of a movie--part of a montage where after a few minutes of hard work, the character emerges strong and/or beautiful for their date with destiny (a la the Rocky training scenes or the Barbara Streisand makeover in The Mirror Has Two Faces). In God'd view, my whole life on earth is like a montage--just a few moments in the greatest love story of all time. (Spoiler alert: We live happily ever after!)

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Vegas Week 2 Training - Silver Linings

I'm happy to report that even with the increase in mileage, my leg is performing better now than it was a couple of weeks ago.  Planning to give it one more week, but it looks like we're gonna be good to go for Vegas.  Here's what Week 2 training looked like:

Monday - 5 miles easy
Tuesday - rest
Wednesday - 5 miles hills
Thursday - 4 miles easy 
Friday - rest 
Saturday- 9 miles LSD
Sunday - 5 miles easy
Total Miles: 28
I missed the cloud cover this week but found some silver linings to the clouds that weren't in the sky.  On Saturday's long run, the sun, temperatures, and my heart rate climbed together.  I was at least able to appreciate that I was struggling more with my cardio than with leg pain, and I expect my heart will be fine for the November race (which, being a night run, actually gets progressively cooler).  
On Sunday, I was missing the One who rides upon the clouds (because there weren't any) and wishing for shade, thinking of that verse from Song of Solomon:

Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest is my beloved among the young men.  I delight to sit in his shade...
Song of Solomon 2:3, NIV

Just at that moment, there was a stretch where my boyfriend was between me and the sun, blocking it for me!  I delighted to run in his shade!  

Looking forward to cooler temperatures but grateful for how God is blessing me in the meantime and feeling optimistic about moving forward!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas - Week One Training...I Think

Trying something radically new, I've held off on signing up for my next marathon, hoping to be 100% healthy before I commit. Sounds like a no-brainer, but surprisingly, it's not. My chiropractor thinks I'm still months away from complete recovery for my left leg but that running is preferable to the de-conditioning that would likely occur if I stopped. So he's cleared me to train for another marathon, and it looks like it's going to be Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas on November 15. 

I've been wanting to follow a structured training plan and selected the 16-week Intermediate Plan from Runner's World because it's the shortest (giving me maximum recovery time post-Utah) and doesn't have any speed work for the first two months. Although I just finished running a marathon in spite of this injury, I thought I would see how the first 3 weeks go (including 9-12-mile long runs) before plunking down any cash.

The RW plan is pretty straightforward. I'm swapping a few of the days around to keep my usual rest days and long runs on Saturdays, but in a way that avoids hard runs on back-to-back days. Here's the schedule for Week 1:

Monday - 4 miles easy
Tuesday - rest
Wednesday- 4 miles hills
Thursday - 4 miles easy 
Friday - rest 
Saturday- 9 miles LSD
Sunday - 4 miles easy

Total Miles: 25

The highlight of the week was definitely the long run on Saturday. It was my longest since Utah Valley and also my best. I alternated running a mile and walking a minute, and I felt great. My leg was 90-95%, and my cardio felt really strong. I was helped by the cloud cover and thought about the verses that talk about God riding on the clouds (Psalm 68) and being in the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91).

There's another verse that talks about God riding on the clouds: 

“There is no one like the God of Jeshurun, who rides across the heavens to help you and on the clouds in his majesty.” (Deuteronomy 33:26 NIV)

I'm not sure of the correct pronunciation of "Jeshurun," but when I say it, it sounds a lot like, "Just you run." :) 

I was hopeful after the great run yesterday, but there was discomfort on today's recovery run, so I took it .25 at time. Run the (quarter) mile you're in. 

I thought about the verse that says:

“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it;”
(Psalm 24:1 NIV)

If everything and everyone belongs to God, that includes my leg. I prayed to Adonai, the LORD, the owner of everything, who is responsible for keeping my leg in perfect working order and trusted that He WILL heal it because He loves me and desires to do so. He wants me to be able to run with Him and for Him. I do not know exactly when or how this will happen but trust that His timing is perfect and that His purposes will be fulfilled. (Delayed healing from "the acorn that changed my life" served far greater purpose than immediate healing would have.) That said, I hope it's sooner than later!